Author: mystichoroscope

Summer changes everyday life. It is the time to get to know each other in-depth and without filters. And it is also the moment in which you can discover in your partner the difficulties that you used to try to minimize. The coexistence of the holidays can be dangerous, what you fell in love with the other can become what bothers you the most. For this reason, we suggest you discover the subtle edge between the talents and difficulties of each sign so that you can better match your better half. The stars and love Astrology perceives a rhythm of…

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Astrology is a symbolic language. Although we popularly know our sign and personality characteristics, many times we do not feel fully represented, perhaps because we are more influenced by the moon sign or the sign of the ascendant. From the combinations of planets and signs will emerge the complex personality that we discover throughout our lives. Some planets -or the characters they represent- will be more difficult for our psyche to live with, and maybe the source of our greatest learning as they symbolize a profound journey of self-discovery. The signs organize twelve modalities of human personalities. In astrology, there…

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Knowing our natal chart in depth is always a journey toward the most genuine part of ourselves. In general, we all know what our sign is – but in truth, this is only one factor of our star map. When making an astrological consultation, we understand that we are much more than this. It is revealing to observe what kind of relationships we establish, and with whom. According to astrology, the people we are attracted to or fall in love with have energy that corresponds and interacts with certain areas of our birth chart: hence the explanation of why they…

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Gemini is a sign of the air element, masculine and mutable, ruled by the planet Mercury (the messenger, winged god who represents the mind, communication, and the senses in astrology). The mutable signs correspond to the end of the seasons when nature is transforming. Mutable means: variable, adaptable, and alterable. The air signs stand out for their intellectual faculties, they seek mental stimulation and feel the need to communicate with their environment. They prefer the company of others, have many ideas, and are capable of thinking in the abstract. Their way of proceeding is usually emotionless, which helps them to…

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In the sacred texts of all cultures, they have a key importance. They appear to take a key role in the Bible, for example, repeatedly. Pharaoh’s dream in which seven skinny cows eat seven fat cows was interpreted by Joseph, who knew how to read the signs of the times in the unconscious of his ruler. But now, we do not have professional dream interpreters, at least like in those days when they were surrounded by mystery and mysticism. However, they are neither more nor less than a part of our psychic life that usually escapes our awareness. This is…

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Astrology and Bach Flowers are an excellent combination for spiritual healing and health. Thanks to them, we can resolve the conflict between the soul and the mind that has caused the physical symptoms that we may be suffering from and, above all, find a path of evolution and personal, mental, emotional, and spiritual development. Together they can achieve and maintain optimal health in all areas and facets of our lives. Some say that Dr. Bach was an astrologer, so those first twelve flower remedies were directly related to the twelve signs of the Zodiac or, more precisely, to the position…

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The four elements are divided into two large groups. Masculine, extroverted, active, and explicit: Fire and Air; and Feminine, receptive, nurturing, and passive: Earth and Water. Let’s see what challenges are presented to women with an emphasis on the Earth element: Just look at the land of external reality: immovable, sustaining, fixed, and solid. The Earth gives personalities that look for the safe and stable, that calm down by repeating what was lived in the past and yearning to reproduce what is already known in the future time. They tend to prioritize conserving – forms and links – rather than…

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Chiron is a small planetoid that was discovered in 1977. Its eccentric orbit with an irregular trajectory oscillates between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus and it takes about 50 years to complete one revolution around the Sun. Astrology draws on mythology to appreciate in greater depth the reason for the names given to each planet – or body of heaven – and from there to understand the symbolism of the passage of that planet through each sign and how it can affect our natal chart. The myth The Greek myth tells that Chiron was the son of Saturn and…

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From the beginning, Astrology was applied to the body and to healing. The energy levels that are worked on do not end in the characteristics of personality, psyche, or soul, as is commonly believed. Perhaps the branch of disease prevention and body care is currently little explored, but no less useful for that. Since ancient times, esoteric treatises related the 12 signs with parts of the body and organs or fluids. When an organ, body point, chakra, or part of the body suffers an imbalance due to a disease, there is an imbalance in the energy that governs it. Simple…

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We all know the 12 astral signs but we could also think of the zodiac as six axes of signs; each axis with two opposite and complementary signs. Let’s discover what our opposite sign is and see if we experience it as threatening and exclusive or as balancing and compensating. Having one sensation or the other will depend on how much we can include those who are different from us. The six axes are: Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius, and Virgo-Pisces. Read now: 12 signs: The relationship with the body and diseases Aries with Libra: “The warrior and the conciliator”…

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